Tuesday, December 4, 2007




It isn't the billions of ideas, that pop up in the minds of humans

around the globe that make money. Very few ideas are worth the

time it took for the thought. Most ideas are fleeting "sparks" that

go no place and are forgotten before the next day. Of the ideas

that are good, very few are followed up and ever end up as a

worthwhile development in the market place. Most people are just

not oriented to do anything about their ideas, while others believe

it would take too much of their time and money to follow through to

completion. This leaves the market place wide open for the

person who learns how to "Create" Profitable Ideas!

There are three major formats you can use to create profitable


1.Find something that already exists, the presence of which has

never been known before.

2.Invent something. Most inventions are merely new arrangements

of things that have already been invented.

3.Alter or improve in any number of different ways something that

already exists.

As you "Create" ideas, write them down. What you dream up can

be your key to great wealth. Keep your mind "open" as you go

through each day. What did you notice in the department store that

would reduce costs, save money or increase sales if some simple

procedure were added or something changed?

Ideas for improvements are one of the most valuable things you

can contribute to society and at the same time add to your bank

account. To create ideas for improvements, consider every

possibility and alternative for the thing you want to improve.

Learn to create ideas by evaluating all the different aspects of the

product, method or concept you are interested in. Put your

imagination and subconscious to work and write down your

thoughts pertaining to each of the things you expect to improve.

Use the New Wealth, "Idea Format" that follows as your guide for

creating Money-Making improvements.

|Idea Format:

List the things you want to improve:

Why should it be improved?

Who will benefit from the improvement?

What is wrong with it at the present time?

Did someone else cause a problem with it?

How do you propose to improve it?

Do you have the facilities to do the work required?

Do you have the know-how to do the work required to improve it?

Exactly what part needs to be improved?

Should it be smaller? Larger?

Should the color be different?

Would more activity help make it better?

Could it be combined with something else to make it more


Would a different basic material work better?

Is it too complicated, could it be simplified?

Would a substitute be more meaningful?

Is it priced too high?

Would a change in personnel help the situation?

Can the shape be changed to advantage?

Can a new marketing plan make the difference?

Is it safe?

Can it be mass produced to bring the unit cost down?

Should the appearance be changed... streamlined?

Is there an adequate guarantee?

What can make it appeal to a bigger audience?

Would new packaging or trade name enhance it?

Can it be made heavier, lighter, higher or lower?

Can it be franchised?

Is there a good maintenance program to back it up?

Can financing be simplified?

List ways to increase production:

List ways to increase sales:

List ways to reduce costs:

List ways to increase efficiency:

List ways to improve quality and increase profits!

What can be done with it to satisfy more people?

This New Wealth "Idea Format" will start the ideas "sparking" and

as related ideas come to mind write them down in every variation

you can think of. Do not judge the good or bad points of the ideas

as they materialize to you, just write them down and judge them

afterwards. You will stop the flow of ideas if you are critical of your

thoughts before you put them on paper. When you have answered

everything you can about the product or concept and know how it

fits in with your plans, sit down and evaluate all the details you

have written.

After you have found (created) a good idea, follow it up with

questions on what should be your next move in order to do

something about it, then act! Get it moving. Expose it to the world

with sufficient tests to determine the value!

Come up with ideas that are still in the processing stage rather

than get stuck on several vague points that may be worked out

later as your subconscious goes to work. If your idea fails, so

what; you are just that much closer to finalizing another one, then

another... until a useful more valuable idea is born. Every

manufacturing plant, retailer, attorney, accountant; every business

person, large or small, cannot continue to operate in the

competitive world of today without someone in the organization

constantly coming up with new and better ideas!

Old ideas drop by the wayside as new ideas take their place. Old

companies without new ideas fade away.

Those who learn and know how to create ideas and anticipate the

changes needed, as the future evolves, have the opportunity to be

a great success with big money-making potential!

Another "tool" you can use to help dream up that million idea, is to

spend several minutes each evening, relaxed with your eyes

closed. Pick any object that comes to mind and try to change it in

your "mind's eye". Change it in every manner you can think of to

improve it.

The following evening pick another subject or object and repeat

the process. Soon you will be using 20% of your brain power

instead of the 10% normally used by the average person. As your

knowledge and "brain power" increase so will your bank account.

Just think what we could accomplish if we could get the other 80%

of our brain power working? On second thought, let's not try to get

100% efficiency out of your human computer . . . we would

probably blow up the world for sure.

|Protecting Your Idea

When you have come up with a good idea, write a full description

of it and make a sketch if necessary. Place the written information,

the sketch and any other pertinent facts or documents in an

envelope addressed to yourself. Have the post office seal the

envelope with a date stamp over the flap, then send it to yourself

by registered mail. Keep the envelope, unopened, in the event you

need to prove ownership. Of course if your product has a properly

registered trade mark, has been copyrighted, or you have a U.S.

patent you are protected from infringement.

|A Few Idea "Sparks" !

When you come up with an idea, program or product that is so

superior in style or performance that it is unbelievable you may

need a notarized statement to assure your customer you are

offering an honest deal.

Make a habit of examining each piece of correspondence you

receive, taking care of it right at the time, do what is necessary

right then. Never put it aside to be handled a second time if it all

practical. This can save more time than anything else for an

executive who handles a large amount of correspondence and

mail. You can also save many more hours each week by doing

several of the most important things that need to be done each

day before you take up other, time consuming important details.

Another good way to "spark" ideas is to go through the classified

and want ads in the newspaper ... Also the yellow pages of your

telephone directory. As you read, think of something that would be

of value to the company or person, or enhance the item you are

reading about.

In summary, learn to develop ideas from observing everyday

things and details. Think of what could make something better.

Dwell on things that have a large marketing audience, something

that everyone needs and wants. Write your ideas down. Put a

pencil and pad at your night stand. When you remember a good

dream... don't just lay there, by morning you will forget it... Jot it

down on the pad. You will be surprised what you can dream up!

Maybe the million dollar idea will magically appear on your pad

tomorrow morning!


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